Welcome to the Department of Humanities.

Dr. Gladys Khisa Sitati Publications

Publications in Journals:

  1. Khisa, G., (2024). Indigenous vegetable preparation using munyu musherekha among the Luhya community in Kenya. In Fontefrancesco, M. F., Zocchi, D.M. and Barstow. C.(Eds). The Ark of Tastes in Kenya 2nd Edition. Vicolo del Pavone Editore Via Eugenio Petazzi, 20, 15053 Castelnuovo Scrivia, Italy
  2. Mburuki, J., Wakhu, S., & Sitati, G. K. (2024). Forms of gender-based violence against Men in Tigania West, Meru County-Kenya: physical, sexual and emotional violence. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 1-23.
  3. Okalo, R. Khisa, G. & Kagendo, J. (2022). Effects of Motorcycle Accidents on Household Livelihood in Vihiga County, Kenya. European Journal of Sociology Vol.5, Issue 1, pp 45 – 56, 2022
  4. Khisa, G. V. (2019). Tobacco Growing Condemning Tobacco Farmers to Poverty in Malakisi, Bumula Sub-County. The journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences. 6(1) pp1-14
  5. Khisa, G. (2018). People’s perception on climate change and its effects on livelihood in Kitui County. International Journal of Development and Sustainability Volume 7 No.1 (2018): Pages 70-81
  6. Khisa. G. V. (2017). Rainfall and temperature variability and its effect on food security in Kitui county, Kenya. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol 6(8), 924-939.
  7. Khisa, G.V., Oteng’i, S.B.,& Mikalitsa, S.M., (2014).Coping Strategies against climate change in Agricultural production in Kitui District, Kenya. The journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences. 1 (2): 71-86
  8. Khisa, G.V., Oteng’i, S.B., & Mikalitsa, S.M., (2014). Effect of climate change on household food production in Kitui district. The Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences. 1 (1): 34-44
  9. Sitati, N., Nthiga, R.W., Khisa, G.V., (2008). Does tourism development in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya, benefit local communities? In Kloek, M.E and Dium,R. (Eds.) Tourism, Nature conservation and wealth creation in Africa. Thematic proceedings of ATLAS Africa Conference. ATLAS Vol 4, 53-67. Nertherlands.

Presentation of Papers at Academic and Professional Conferences

  1. Khisa, G.V., Oteng’i, S.B., & Mikalitsa, S.M., (2014). Effect of climate change on household food security in Kitui district. Proceedings of Laikipia Conference.
    Books/Book Chapters Published
  2. Tobacco Production and Food Security in Bungoma District, Kenya. Lambert Academic publishers. 2012 ISBN: 978-3-8473-0900-0
  3. Climate change, Small scale Agricultural Production and Food Security: Effect of climate change on small scale agricultural production and food security in Kitui County, Kenya. Lambert Academic publishers. 2016 ISBN-13: 978-3659789861