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Dr. John Lennoxy Wanyama Khaisie Publications

Publications in Journals:

  1. Khaisie, J.W., & Wandera, S. P (2018) “Fear Mongering and Appeal to the Name of God as Propaganda Techniques in the Kenyan 2013 Presidential Debate” in Journal of Research Innovations and Implications in Education. ISSN 2520-7504(online)Vol. 2. Iss.4 PP1-6
  2. Khaisie, J. W., Wandera, S. P. & Gwachi, J. M. (2018) Dhamira Fiche Katika Mdahalo Wa Urais Wa Kenya 2013 katika Jarida La Mwanga Wa Lugha. Moi University. ISSN 2415-6993
  3. Khaisie, J. W., Wandera, S. P. & Gwachi, J. M. (2018) Ubandikaji Majina na Majumlishi memeto kama mikakati ya Propaganda katika Midahalo ya Urais wa Kenya 2013 katika RUWAZA AFRIKA (Vol. 6) Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2225-7144

Departmental News

  • Wednesday, 02 October 2019 17:13
    Training Experts for Sustainable Developement
    Training Experts for Sustainable Development The Department of Humanities is one of the two departments that make up the School of Education and Social Sciences. The Department which hosts...


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Department of Humanities